"Birding for a Better Tomorrow" by Christian Cooper


Christian Cooper

Publication Date


Document Type

Unpublished Paper


The natural world is in desperate need of some healing—and so are we. Can attention to birds, as one of the most accessible gateways to nature, offer a way forward for a planet in trouble while also bridging some of the chasms between us human beings? Practically born with a pair of binoculars in his hands, Cooper is the vice president of New York City Bird Alliance. He advocates for greater, safer access to green spaces for all, with a focus on outreach to youth in underserved communities. A longtime activist on issues of racial justice and LGBTQ equality, Christian combined his passions in the BLM graphic short story "It’s a Bird” from DC Comics, and he continues to seek synergy at the intersections of storytelling, progressivism, and environmentalism.
